Helping More Women Feel Their Best

Struggling with perimenopause? Sick & tired of being sick & tired?

I get it! Let me help you reclaim your health, vibrancy & dreams so you can wake up feeling refreshed each day, age more gracefully AND live a life that feels amazing. Time to make the rest of your life, the best of your life!

I’m here to help!

From an early age I always had a passion for wellness and really wanted to help people. As such, I became a nurse in my early 20’s. I quickly became frustrated with how my role seemed to be more about medication management than helping people create healing and wellness. However, I pushed on. Meanwhile, I was also diagnosed with an autoimmune disease in my early 20’s (celiac – no idea what to do except avoid gluten). My gut microbiome was out of whack, I had a hectic, unhealthy lifestyle and I had quite a bit of unresolved trauma from childhood and adulthood. I saw multiple doctors who ran myriads of tests and was given all sorts of things to try.  Then… to make matters even worse, in my 30’s I had major thyroid issues show up AND was diagnosed with Lyme disease. Yet again, there were more doctors, tests and things to try. But none of it helped! I was told by medical professionals “you look fine to me.” It was miserable, exhausting and soooo frustrating. AND… lots of the “solutions” they gave didn’t offer me more than a temporary quick fix that didn’t last and didn’t get to the root cause of why my body was struggling in the first place. As a nurse, I felt especially frustrated… “I should know better! There should be better solutions! This shouldn’t be this hard!” I knew I had to take my health fully into my own hands. I searched far and wide for true solutions. Then- thankfully!! I found Ayurveda, and everything has started to get better!

Now, finally, I was able to get to the root cause and really support my body, giving it what it really needed to function well and feel better. For example, once I understood & started to work with my gut using Ayurvedic practices, my gut finally improved! I also spent several years doing trauma recovery work. As I’ve worked with and connected with many women over the years, I hear similar stories and frustration… we want better answers! There are so many natural solutions that can help us, especially with perimenopause.  I’ve found more natural and sustainable solutions in Ayurveda than I’ve ever found with western medicine and I’m so excited to help you find real solutions, too!

There is HOPE!

Ayurveda can support your health goals!

When we feel lost and aren’t sure where to turn and our bodies are doing crazy things, it’s hard to remember the wisdom and greatness inside of us. 

You don’t have to walk this path alone, wandering in the dark. Join me in learning what to expect and receiving true support to feel your best. 

What beauty, strength, wisdom and magic is waiting for you on the other side of figuring out how to work with your body better? Your next phase of life truly can be the best phase. I can’t wait to help you get there!